
Job Description

We are looking for a smart Frontend Engineer who can participate in building our next generation interface. You will get a chance to get your hands dirty with our core product working directly with the Leadership and Business. You will also participate in web security, compatibility and experience design.

This involves a lot of collaboration with the engineering and R&D Teams to prioritise and launch new features. You will also play an important role in deployments, product roadmaps and data security.


Minimum 2 Years Experience in Front End Developer

Skills Must Have

  • Proficient in ReactJS and other5modern JS libraries/frameworks
  • Proficient in ES6/7 object oriented JavaScript and architecture and development of Single page web applications.
  • Basic understanding of nodeJS and its package managers like npm and yarn.
  • Proficient in flux pattern based development and libraries build upon it like redux, mobX and its derivative micro frameworks like reduxForm etc.
  • Proficient in Event handling/event driven programming and creating event observers at appropriate abstraction levels.
  • Strong understanding of build tools like web-pack, its configuration, scripting and environment management (dev/test/prod).
  • Basic knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 and its frameworks and pre-processors.
  • Should be able to resolve cross browser incompatibilities associates with JS and CSS…
  • Working Knowledge of D3 and similar JS charting libraries

Just to Add

Creative Workplace and open work culture. Creativity and out of the box thinking is nurtured.

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